

How to add Kotlin as a second language to a SpringBoot app using Maven multimodule

How to add Kotlin as a second language to a SpringBoot app using Maven multimodule

Kotlin just got Virtual Threads

Kotlin just got Virtual Threads

The Joy of writing helper functions in Kotlin

The Joy of writing helper functions in Kotlin

The first Kotlin pull request to a Java project shouldn't contain any Kotlin

The first Kotlin pull request to a Java project shouldn't contain any Kotlin

Minimal Apache CXF setup using Gradle, Kotlin and SpringBoot3

Minimal Apache CXF setup using Gradle, Kotlin and SpringBoot3

Null at the Gates

Null at the Gates

Really useful 4 lines of Kotlin code (using inline class)

Really useful 4 lines of Kotlin code (using inline class)

How to replace the builder pattern in Kotlin

How to replace the builder pattern in Kotlin