
How to add Kotlin as a second language to a SpringBoot app using Maven multimodule

· Stephan Schröder

The official Kotlin Documentation has a section on how to configure Maven so that it compiles Kotlin code next to Java code. But that setup assumes a configuration without Maven modules. Maybe it’s just me, but it took me quite some time to adapt that solution.

So this is what I learned:


You have a Java Project using Spring Boot which is seperated into several Maven modules. The parent pom of all modules is the pom-file in the base directory and the parent of that pom is spring-boot-starter-parent. Here’s a demo project configured just like that.

How to modify the main pom-file

  • add the following properties:
        <kotlin.compiler.incremental>true</kotlin.compiler.incremental>    <!-- optional: for faster builds -->

The properties maven.compiler.source and maven.compiler.target can be removed - should they be present in your configuration - since we’ll also update the configuration of the maven-compiler-plugin.

  • prepare the dependencies for kotlin-reflect and kotlin-stdlib:
  • prepare the following configuration of the kotlin-maven-plugin and the maven-compiler-plugin:
                            <!--<goals><goal>compile</goal></goals> not needed because of <extensions>true<.../>-->
                            <!--<goals><goal>test-compile</goal></goals> not needed because of <extensions>true<.../>-->
                    <!-- Replacing default-compile as it is treated specially by maven -->
                        <!-- Replacing default-compile as it is treated specially by maven -->

How to modify all the module pom-files

first add kotlin-maven-plugin and the maven-compiler-plugin to all modules dependency list


and then if you’re in a module which uses the spring-boot-maven-plugin, use this order:


if you’re in a module without that plugin the order of the other two remains:


The order of these plugins is important. Otherwise, your Kotlin code might see your Java code but not the other way around.

Now you can add a src/main/kotlin-Path in your project and convert some of your Java classes to Kotlin.

And that’s already all there is to do to change your Java project to a Java and Kotlin project. You can check the Java and Kotlin config branch of my demo project.

Bonus: pure Kotlin configuration

So once all the source files have all been converted to Kotlin, can we simplify the Java&Kotlin configuration? Yes we can:

  • remove the maven-compiler-plugin-config from all the pom-files
  • remove the <executions>-block from the kotlin-maven-plugin in the main pom-file
  • configure sourceDirectory and testSourceDirectory at the start of the build-block in the main pom-file
  • keep the <java.version> in the properties block, the spring-boot-maven-plugin will still use it to compile the Kotlin code to the configured JVM bytecode version.

Here’s the Kotlin config branch of my demo project to double-check.

Minimum Kotlin versions for JDK21 support

When you check my demo project, you’ll see that I’ve used <java.version>21</java.version> for all the different branches/configurations. What is the minimum Kotlin version to support this:

mixed Java and Kotlin config

Your kotlin.version has to be at least 1.9.20, since Kotlin 1.9.20-Beta1 was the first version to support a jvmTarget of 21.

pure Kotlin config

Your kotlin.version has to be at least 2.0.0 in order to use JDK 21. For Kotlin versions 1.9.2(0-4) an error is thrown, does look like this:

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: superclass access check failed: class org.jetbrains.kotlin.kapt3.base.javac.KaptJavaCompiler (in unnamed module @0x17de6b) cannot access class com.sun.tools.javac.main.JavaCompiler (in module jdk.compiler) because module jdk.compiler does not export com.sun.tools.javac.main to unnamed module @0x17de6b

The bug is fixed from Kotlin version 2.0.0-Beta1 onwards.